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Mesh Scale Patterns Getting Dirty

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So recently I have started using mesh more often to get scale patterns but my mesh is starting to get residue of other paint on it and im ending up with paint peeling residue off the mesh onto lures im trying to paint. should I throw away mesh after one use or should I be able to clean it off somehow. also im afraid to use acetone on it as it may melt through it. any ideas?

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You might be applying the scale pattern heavier than you need and getting more paint than normal in your mesh.  I have used some mesh for a year and still as good as new.


Look around at any of the fabric stores.  You can get several kinds of mesh for cheap, couple of bucks a yard. If it starts to act up pitch it.


Jim P

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As cheap as the mesh fabric is there's really no need to save it in my opinion. If you have a certain pattern that's hard to find you might be able to clean it. I've got some that I haven't found another source for and I wash it with Dawn dish washing liquid and hot water. When it gets really dirty, and stiff,  I soak it in Createx Airbrush Restorer and that loosens the paint up so it can be cleaned by washing in Dawn. I'm not exactly sure what this particular mesh is made out of so if you try cleaning yours in the airbrush restorer I would try soaking a small piece of it to make sure the restorer has no adverse reaction to your particular mesh.



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I use Createx paints, and rubbing alcohol does a good job of cleaning my mesh.  After a few cleanings, I find my mesh gets too soft and doesn't hold the shape of the pattern very well.  At this point I chunk it.  I've had the same thing happen that you describe, and it's frustrating.  Some colors that I use for scales, especially Createx opaque black, just don't seem to dry very well, and are more prone to this happening.  Also, make sure that the base color is very dry.  This can add to the issue.

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Another thing that could be causing your paint to lift is applying the paint too heavy on top of the scale masking. If the paint is applied too heavy it can bond to the mesh as well as the underlying paint. I learned that the hard way. Finishing a paint job only to see it pulled off when the mesh is lifted sucks to say the least. :mad::pissed::cry:



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