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Plastic caused allergies???

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Has anybody out there had any experience with plastic vapors causing allergy problems. I've never had allergies in 56 years of living, but all of a sudden I'm having major problems with sinus infections. I just started pouring a lot of plasic at the same time this started. I thought I was ventilating pretty good. Any clues?

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Bob heres some information of the plastisol vapours from another thread I was involved in some time ago.

In Australia and a number of other countries its workplace law to use a Certified Organic Vapor respirator when involved in this product.

Chloroethylene or Vinyl Chloride Monomer

Its considered a class 1 carcinogen which means that repeated exposure has been known to be cancerous.

Its interesting that some of you fellows fell a little ill, light headed, head ache etc since the short term symptoms of exposure are.

irritation, nausea, difficulty breathing, irregular heartbeat, heach ache, drowsiness, diziness, disorientation, joint pain,loss of coordination , hearing loss and respiratory disorders.

Long term problems - impotence, bluish skin,blood disorders, liver damage, cancer.

a Half Mask or Full Mask Respirator with Approved Organic Vapour Cartridges is essential.

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Do you know if those craws had any type of garlic oil in them? The reason I ask is because pure garlic oil, no matter how you extract it, will blister and eat away your skin.

Other countries use wild garlic to remove warts and moles. But in doing so, it also removes the skin and is very painful.

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