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go to the hardware store and buy a piece of 1/8" X 3/4" aluminum flat stock, some 5/32" X 3/4" and X 2" bolts with lock nuts and a bag of small washers. Then go to a fabric/craft store and get 10 round razor blades. These might be found at Wal-Mart too, they are about $3 each. Cut the aluminum into 2 - 8" to 10" pieces. Place the aluminum together and mark 1" and 3" from one end. Bend the aluminum out at the 3" mark and back in at the 1" mark so that the 1" ends are parallel and about 1 1/2" apart when the 2 pieces are put together. This is the frame for your cutter. Drill holes for the 5/32" bolts, two in the handle and 1 in each of the 1" ends. Bolt the two pieces together using the smaller bolts and lock washers. Then insert the langer bolt from the outside into one of the holes in the other end put on some washers to space the first blade from the frame, and alternate blades and washers spaced however you like, fill the other end with washers to space it from the frame, push the bolt through the other side of the frame put on a lock washer and only tighten it to take out the play in the blades but they should move freely. If I get time I will attach a picture when I get home.

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