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Swim Bait Troubles

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So I have built about a dozen swim baits and they all work fairly well. Most are made from PVC board. Recently I decided to cast a.mold of one of them. I am using aluminite 2 part apoxy mixed with one part micro balloons. The baits floats fine, but sinks very easily and I can't get it to swim at all like the PVC board. I know this is just a rookie mistake but I can't afford to waste anymore plastic.

Any thoughts on this?

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The only difference is the density of the materials used. Most probably, your cast body is denser (heavier) than the original PVC body. This means that the lure will require less ballast weight to achieve the same float. Reducing the ballast will effect the swim stability and could be the problem, but I suspect that you are just adding too much ballast.


Weigh the two materials and find the difference. If the difference is significant, try and cram as much micro balloons in there as you can. This will thicken the mix up and make pouring a problem. I solved this by injecting the mix with a cake icing syringe. I have written about this in a few threads, so a search on "cake icing syringe" should pull up some reading material for you.



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