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Fluxing In A Lee Pot?

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I have a Lee pot IV 10 lb. Been having alot of trouble With drips and clogs. Read the postie about fluxing and it said to remove dross and flux everytime before you pour. Stops a lot of that I guess. Just wanted to know if anybody fluxs in their lee pot, before I start a fire in mine. Plus I use a slotted spoon to remove the dross and it's too big for the pot. But was the smallest I could find. Wondering if someone had something that works better. Thank you for your time.

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Yes, you can flux in your LEE pot, just make sure there isn't anything overhead that can catch fire as it will flame up, 5' of clearance is what I would call minimum. I use and old table spoon to skim, I got a friend to cut the handle of the spoon and then weld the remaining part to an old pair of pliers, it works great for skimming. When I flux in the 10lb pot, I use a chunk of wax about the size of a nickel and then use a piece of old wood dowel to stir it in after the flame dies down.

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If you take and empty your pot and clean it out,let it cool down take the rod out and clean the end of it,I used emry cloth,also I took a small drill the size of the pour spout and drilled it through, cleaning out the pour spout,have had no more drips since.My pot was about 5 years old and had to replace the heating element so I done that as soon as I could melt the lead after replacing the element.

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With everyone else on nothing overhead when you do it!!LOL  Had never fluxed my lead and after reading the post on here about it tried it and just about crapped my pants when it lit up!!!!!!  I use a really long handled screwdriver to scrap the sides gently then a tablespoon to skim off the junk.  


I may be one of the weird ones but I clean my pot after every use.  

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