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I like Lure Craft's better than MF, but MF has colors that Lure Craft doesn't offer (crayfish, amber green, blue smoke pearl, earthworm, etc.). Also, their pearl white is much better than Lure Craft's; much more of a brilliant white.

As for the plastic, the quality is outstanding, but very expensive. Calhoun is the best way to go. The only downside is softener. You don't need to add any softener to MF's super soft formula, whereas Calhoun's hand-pour mixture is not nearly soft enough.


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Don't be too quick to write off M-F as a rip-off. They supply the absolute best plastic of anyone. They ship quickly and I have never had a backordered item. Admittedly, they probably are geared for larger orders, but the quality and service they offer are unsurpassed.

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I wouldn't call it a rip off, but not everyone can afford to $30 per color on flake.

This is only my 4th order with MF, and the 2nd one I've had to wait on. I placed my order on the 7th, they said it shipped on the 12th and I'm still waiting. :?

I'm not saying this is any worse then LC, cause it's not. It's just frustrating that we have so few options.

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