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Pearl & Flake Together

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Just started pouring my own worms about a month ago and already got into the worm swap. No pressure there!

After 2 successful colors, I decided to try a combo of Purple w/ White Pearl powder & red and blue flake. Wow, is this mess difficult to pour!

I've been using the microwave method and it seems like the mixture of pearl and flake is really thick. It clumps up easily and globs don't fit in my molds.

I guess I should have picked one or the other, they don't work well together as far as a good pour. My bro-in-law saw them and thought that they would be good to catch fish, but I have my doubts.

Was the decision to use pearl and flake a mistake? Has anyone else had problems in the past?

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I think if you tried heating and pouring with a pan you will find that the globs won't be a problem. You can stir and distribute the powder and flake more evenly and keep the heat more consistent at the same time. Works for me, anyway. The only plastic that I heat in a microwave is the super salt heavy stuff for senko type baits. I pre-heat in the micro, but still finish off with a pan.

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I pour a couple of colors that have tons of flake in them. They do take a little longer to heat and it seems to cool a little quicker too. I've never had a problem mixing flake and powder though? I do all my melting with the microwave. It just takes a little getting used to. You might try adding the flake after you heat the plastic.

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Mojo it sounds to me like your are probaly just using way to much pearl powder you only need a little bit to get a great effect. Or mabey or aren't getting the plastic hot enough. I pours thousands of senkos a week with lots of pearls and flake because no one else offers them I can sell them like crazy. Now I only sell senkos and the rest of the baits I pour are for me only.

Hope this helps


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I was heating in the microwave and pouring from a pan. I had the pan on the stove to keep it hot, and would reheat the cup in the microwave before pouring into the pan.

As far as powder, I added 1/4 teaspoon per 4 oz of plastic. Does this sound about right? The plastic does seem to cool awfully fast with the pearl in it. I guess I just need to get used to the difference between plastic with powder and without.

Also, I was adding the pearl and flake after heating. Seemed to mix in better. Next time I'll try adding the pearl before heating and the flake after.

Thanks for all the input!

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