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Voids In Barbs

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I have the Do-it JG-6-A flat grub mold. Can't get the barbs part to pour without voids. Poured 40 jigs last week and only got 19 good ones. Tried 20 today and only 9 came out right. Tried pouring hotter and cooler. Smoked the mold. Tired tilting mold first toward the front then I tried a little to the right. This thing the fill hole is on the side not in the center. I'm using EC 635 hooks The 5/8oz 4/0 comes out good the rest 1/8,1/4 and 3/8. Which I use mostly are the ones not coming out. I heat the mold by pouring all cavities three times. I use scrap lead which was cleaned and flux in a different pot. I remove the dross and flux before and after pouring. I'm using a 10# lee bottom pour pot. Is there something I should be doing that I'm not? Thank you for your time. 

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Seems like you tried almost everything. What I would try next is to gap the mold to see if trapped air is the problem. If you are getting consistant poures this way, then it could be an air issue. This seems to be an issue with a lot of small jigs. So gap it and pour some. If you are getting flash, then the gap is too big. Do this until you get no flash. You can also cut out a relief line from the cavity out . This will also release any trapped air. This is my thought on it.

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I have been having some trouble with Do it's shad head jig mold and tried a few different things with it. What I found using a infrared temp gun was this: if the inside face of the mold cooled to 180 degrees, that sucker wouldn't pour right. Very few good jigs. Taking a propane torch, if I heated the mold up to > 200 on the inside mold face, I would get good pours. The problem with the mold is I couldn't keep it hot enough just pouring a couple cavities. The ones I use the most.

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You have been given great advise, one that I would like to add is that if all else fails, try the ladle, yes, try pouring with a ladle. I have to pour my brush head jig with a ladle, no matter what I do I can't get the collar to fill out but the ladle lets me "dump" the lead in at a faster rate but I've been ladle pouring a long time, you need to get used to it. The first thing I would try is heating the mold more using a heat gun or torch, then I would gap the mold, that will work in a lot of cases as it lets air escape. One last thing, I don't know what you pot is set at but some molds really need to be hot and the lead does as well, if you are at 6 or 7 try going to 6.5 or 7.5 and wait 15 minutes with your mold on top of the pot while you wait.

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Heating hooks has been mentioned and it works. I heat my hooks by putting them in the mold along with any other inserts and heating them with a mini torch. A few passes over the collar area, close the mold and pour. Solves my collar filling problems and you don't have to handle a hot hook. And you don't have to crack the mold.

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I want to thank everybody for the tips and advise. I think I know what caused the problem. When I cleaned and fluxed the scrap lead. I had two batches or types of lead. One was all  roof sheet lead and the other was scuba belt weights. I took the two and just put them in the same box. I think I just put them together and melted them in the same pot. Won't have time to empty the pot and try just the sheet lead until this weekend. Just wanted everybody to know they didn't waste their time posting. I will try every thing and will post what fix it. Again thank you all.    

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When i start getting that problem i always pour a complete mold full of blank shots (without hooks) and letting the mold sit for a minute or two before opening it and dropping the shots. Doing this seems to help maintain the inner core temp of the mold which has allowed me to pour some pretty hard lead with very minimal shorts.

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