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Original Wiggle Warts

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This has probably been asked many times before; but, what are the "tell tell" properties that define a Wiggle Wart as one of the sought after original models?  I have one that's about 30 years old; but, I really wouldn't know the difference in it and a current model.



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There are a few differences between the old and new warts. The old warts were a different kind of plastic and had lead weights instead of steel. The originals say wiggle wart under the bill. The new ones say Storm. People swear by the old warts. Some sell on ebay for $150 each. Most of them between $20 to $40.

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You can find very good knockoffs at Predator Baits.  Jim deconstructed an original wiggle wart, and has come up with a copy that is very close.

I love them with a red or brown phantom craw paint scheme in the spring.

Here are two I made, and they have both caught fish.










Edited by mark poulson
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