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Just Thinking...

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I'm not saying he hasn't done well and I'm not saying his work isn't nice. I'm just saying in my opinion painted baits will never catch as many fishermen as these newer baits. The industry is evolving and soon painted baits will be a small portion of the market... very small. I don't believe these baits will catch anymore fish than painted ones when done on moving baits but the fish are not the ones buying them.

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Personally I  think the guys in the know want and desire lures that work more so than fairground queens, yes the product sells very well on auction sites and I  am quite sure guys that do this have plenty of business....I  am sure soon you will see this process married to lures that are top to bottom custom built but the price will certainly reflect this, painting will never go away because at the end of the day what the majority want is stuff that works, at a price point they can afford...

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For as much as color does not matter as a pike fisherman I have caught hundreds of pike color X and white spoons I have a red head white body super shadrap that has no teeth marks on it where a more "natural" shad is well an truly chewed up. Color does not matter until it does! That is why I started down this path the ability to have options :)

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Me and a friend were both throwing staysee 90 jerkbaits, a few years ago. I was throwing my custom painted threadfin shad, while he was throwing a store bought lucky craft color. I caught 25 bass, to his 10 bass. I definitely think color has a lot to do catching bass. We also won two tournaments throwing nothing but the custom shad color!! I also caught my biggest smallmouth & spotted bass on baits that I painted. Luck? Maybe so!!But I sure do have confidence when I am throwing one. If I was able, I would post every fish caught on them & let you be the judge.



Nothing like catching little green fish on something you created!!

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I agree with this too. But I have to say that I believe there is a "tipping point" of realism where a painted bait portraying a certain type of forage looks very different from a realistically painted bait while in action. Back in summer, I started producing a different pattern of mine that I called Delta Gill. The first bait I painted was just the pattern and looked pretty good. Then, I was talking to one of my buddies and he said that if you look at bluegill while they are younger, they often have this light purple sheen to them. I went to work and thinned down purple and pearl mixed together and brushed it over the paint job. After, I tested it alongside the same bait with none of the purple like sheen and they looked like a completely different bait.

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