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Powder Paint For A Junebug Colored Skirt?

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Another suggestion is LPO's junebug. I've been using it a while and I really like the finished product. I dip the jig as vertically as possible. If you dip at an angle the flake gets too heavy and too light in spots. This method will probably help regardless of brand.

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The other alternative, I made my own from Candy Purple (columbia coatings) with 0.15 kelly green flake.

I use candy purple and Protec green flake, however I have a question for you. Where do you get the .15 kelly green flake, and is it heat resistant? Do they have other flake colors. Thanks in advance if you can PM me or send me a link.

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I use candy purple and Protec green flake, however I have a question for you. Where do you get the .15 kelly green flake, and is it heat resistant? Do they have other flake colors. Thanks in advance if you can PM me or send me a link.

Old senko sam http://senkosam.tripod.com/id14.html . I've also used some craft shop stuff. I lower the temp by 15-20 degrees celcius whenever I use flake even if its a protec such as Ruby Slipper (I find that isn't really heat resistant)

Edited by edgecrusher
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