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mark poulson

Floating Plastic

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  How big of a bait is it for?  I used the Caney Creek Medium and it will float a 3/0 Gammy in a decent size swimbait.  Alot will also depend on the line you're using - I don't think anything will keep floro floating - but braid or mono would help.  I don't think the stuff I used is any different than others plastisol... alot has to do with hook/bait size.


  If you're making a DIY mold or willing to modify a mold you own.... there are a few tricks that might help float the bait as well.  I've seen a few baits with "holes" in them to trap air and help get that thing up and floating.



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I wanted to make a Pop mold of a PopR-type soft bait, probably 2 1/2", with a light wire hook, like the Gamie you mentioned.  I would be throwing it on 17lb mono, so I can throw it into flooded brush, and still get the fish back out.

I guess I'll make a P.O.P. mold and try it out.  Maybe I'll stir in some bubbles before I pour it.

Thanks for your help.


Edited by mark poulson
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there you go. The only downside to using it is that it is white. So obviously your can't get clear baits when using it and you have to use more colorant to get the same color as you would without it. It also makes the plastic more firm and less flexible.

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