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Brushing Thick Coats

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To get a certain effect on some spoons I've been playing with using a toothbrush to apply sporadic brush strokes of fluorescent paint. The only paint that I currently have is the Createx or AutoAir that I used for my airbrush. Obviously this paint won't cure properly and will have durability issues.


Does anyone have any suggestions for paint types that would work for this application?I prefer not to use solvent based paints as my painting is done in the basement. The spoons will be finished with either a concrete sealer or a rattle can clear.



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Sorry I misread that. I am not sure about the reaction with concrete sealer I have some but have yet to try it. I haven't used the testors paint in a few years although I have a drawer full of it but I used to thin it and shoot it a lot until I got tired of having to wear a mask if I was shooting a lot in small paint sections it wasn't bad but I can't remember if I mixed the createx and testors paint on anything because the testors paint has so many color options. Sorry I can't be more help

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