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Need A Little Advise?

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Looking for a little feedback on a couple problems I'm having. I'll briefly discuss my methods:

1. I'm wondering why I almost always experience MCU penetrating my paint on my "copper blades" and not not any others? I use same process with all types and let dry days, sometimes weeks before clearing. If i pre-dip in pledge I never have a issue. I always sterilize my hard baits and blades by dipping in acetone first.

2. When dipping a deep cup blade in MCU, how do you get every bit of the product off the bottom of the back side? I pat it with a foam brush, but I'm kind of a picky when it comes to quality.

3. If you spray MCU on a blade, do you flip the blade and spray the back, or only spray the side you have painted?

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If the MCU is penetrating the paint on copper blades, it's penetrating the paint on other metal blades too.  To me, penetration is desirable because the MCU forms a bond with the underlying metal and creates a monolithic waterproof finish that is much more durable than if the paint had not been penetrated.  Unmodified acrylic paint would soak up water at a scratch point and delaminate the finish from the blade otherwise.  A buddy of mine who coats blades with MCU slings the excess MCU off after he dips them.  When I use MCU, it's Dick NIte S81, which is pretty thin stuff and I never had a problem with drops remaining on the blade after dipping.  As far as spraying both sides of the blade - I would if the non-painted side is bare metal, so it wouldn't tarnish. 

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