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Stencil Suppliersdoes Anyone Know

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does anyone know of a good stencil (gill,fin,ect) supplier that doesn't charge $20 plus for crankbait stencils. I am terrible at making them and I am to cheap to pay that much for plastic film. I have used the vacuum form method with my shop vac but I am terrible at cutting them out they just look bad when I get done hacking on them

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What are you using to hack on them, I use a dremel tool with a carbide bit and I have to sand some spots to smooth it out, I use a black marker to draw the design on the plastic then cut it out with the dremel, if you are cutting stencils on a flat surface you could get a stencil cutter its just like a soldering gun or wood burner but with a different tip made for cutting stencils out on plastic if you take your time you can do it, I saved some plastic from Christmas gifts it should work well I ended up with enough to make a few stencils but everything is on hold until after the holidays are over and im not working 60 + hours a week

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I've tried with exacto knives and I just never get it the way I envision,but I do have a woodburning kit somewhere with stencil tips in it I think been awhile since I've laid eyes on it. The problem is my artistic skills or lack off. Thanks for the link cougarfrd I'll check it out. I was just wondering if anyone had a source for stencils at a reasonable price. Thanks guys

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Dakotalakestackle has stencils already formed to certain baits all you have to do is use a dremel.. I bought a stencil burner from micheals for about 15 bucks I also bought a picture frame  8 x 10 for 2.99

it seems to work good and not a lot of artistic know how needed but BIGCREW gave me a few pointers on the burner im going to try its on another thread

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