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Sealing Detailed Wood Lures

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Hello guys. I mostly make resin plastic lures cause I want to make detailed lures with gills, mouth and scales. 
But I started to wonder how guys like Melosh fishing lures makes his detailed wood lures. He seals the wood with something without covering up all the details. 

I only got Epoxy clear coat like Envirotex and so on and that would cover up all the details before I can start to paint the lures. 

I need something that sucks into the wood 100%. 

Grain filler? oil? how do I do it?

I upload a photo of one of my resin plastic lures so you get an idea on how I want to make my wood lures to look like. 

Hope you understand what I mean. I'm from Sweden and not that great at english hehe.


Tackle 3 .jpg


Tackle 3 .jpg


Tackle 3 .jpg


Tackle 3 .jpg


Tackle 3 .jpg


Tackle 3 .jpg


Tackle 3 .jpg


Tackle 3 .jpg



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There are lots of ways to seal the lure and maintain the detail; propionate dipping, thin CA glue are but two. The problem comes with a quality top coat. You are always going to lose thin detail with an epoxy top coat.


My solution would be to over cut the detail by enough to allow for the thick epoxy coat.



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I just need all the details when Im going to paint. So I can get paint into the smallest details. 
As a top coat I can use my ordinary Lure epoxy cause it doesn't matter if the lure has a smooth finish without feeling the details with the hands. 

Yes, maybe mixing the epoxy with alcohol could do it.

I found some other things I can try to to seal it.
Linseed oil
fire :).

What do you think about those?

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Just wipe on some polyurethane with a rag. That will seal the wood enough. It will penetrate into the wood real well. Let it dry overnight and then lightly sand the lure. Just touch sand it with fine sandpaper (320 grit or greater). The wood will be really smooth and ready for painting. Your details will still be nice and sharp. I have been using it for 15 years on all of my wooden baits.



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Those are two beautifully detailed lures!!!

Are you trying to seal your hand carved masters before making a mold, or are you thinking of actually painting and fishing your hand carved wood lures?

You must be a carving genius if you do fish them.

If I could carve a lure like that, I would never let it get close to water!!!!

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