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Baking Durhams Water Puddy

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I don’t know if it is needed, but with the couple of molds I have made so far, they seem to respond well to being dried out in the oven. 150F oven overnight to  speed up the drying process.


One  you tube I saw, the guy  just used cooking spray, I tried that and it did seem to work, but it got me thinking.  If you use cooking oil on the surface will it condition like a pizza stone or cast iron frying pan.  Then I got thinking spray the mold down with cooking spray bake at 350 ish, I don’t know how much heat the putty can take and the durham site does say it will breakdown if it get too hot, but they don’t give a temp. But you should be able to build up a glaze that does not affect dimensions.


One question about 2 part molds , since this is a rigid material 3 locator pins should be plenty, and really 2 should do it, or am I missing something

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I don’t know if it is needed, but with the couple of molds I have made so far, they seem to respond well to being dried out in the oven. 150F oven overnight to  speed up the drying process.


One  you tube I saw, the guy  just used cooking spray, I tried that and it did seem to work, but it got me thinking.  If you use cooking oil on the surface will it condition like a pizza stone or cast iron frying pan.  Then I got thinking spray the mold down with cooking spray bake at 350 ish, I don’t know how much heat the putty can take and the durham site does say it will breakdown if it get too hot, but they don’t give a temp. But you should be able to build up a glaze that does not affect dimensions.


One question about 2 part molds , since this is a rigid material 3 locator pins should be plenty, and really 2 should do it, or am I missing something

I only use two pins on my two piece molds.

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