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What do you guys pour from?

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Hey guys,

What are most of you higher volume guys (like well into the 1000's per bait style, color etc...) using to pour? Is mostly everyone still using the pouring pots and the good ole' pyrex-in-the-mic method?

Was just wondering if there was something else working a little better than the pouring pots for high volume.


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A lot of the guys that do big volume have a number of lee pots going (the larger ones) or they bite the bullet and pay for the big ole Sta-Warm pots, they are super nice with electronically regulated temperature control and heated nozzles and stuff, but they run over $1000 for a 1.5 gallon pot with all the bells and whistles retail. I've also seen converted candle melting pots modified for plastic, but the guy that was using those had a big spigot on the side and was making saltwater swimbaits that had no need for accuracy. Personally, I have 2 Lee Prroduction pots and about 4 pyrex cups, but I don't do any large volume on a regular basis (Mostly pour for myself). I am sure someone who dumps a bunch of baits will be able to give you more concise info.

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We have 12 Sta-Warm pots, each one holds 8 cups with an ASTM calibrated thermostat, these pots are about $500.00 ea, we also have 105 of the old Lee pots which range from $35-$45 that are still being used, I myself prefer and pour from the Sta-Warms, its all in preference. I prefer the larger volumn pots because primarily it is less times back and forth to the microwave and I can run 8 cups out pretty quickly

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The thing I like about Lee's production pots is the ability to remove the base and bolt (the pot) towards the edge of the table for pouring Senko type baits. I have (5) working Lee's pots. As everyone here knows...each one has its own "personality". heat setting #6 on one pot can be different from heat setting #6 on the other.

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