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Delmart Top Pour Tube Mold

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Here's a thought:  Go to the hardware store and see if they have any bushings that fit the OD of the rods. Slip them over the rod at the tail section and pour. The added diameter will thin out the tails. THe only drawback will be if the bushings take up too much space. 


You can also have rods custom cut by a machine shop.


I Suppose JB weld around the rods at the tail section will also work, but this is more or less a permanent change.

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I have the same mold. I found a piece of tubing at work that fit the rod with minor clearance and I jb welded it to the rod. I lined them up in a metal working lathe so they would be concentric. It cut the tail thickness in half. The bad news is the plastic does not flow completely into the tail.


I cut the tails at the orignal thickness with a home made version of Lure Crafts cutter. I mounted it on an arbor press. I got the idea from this thread.



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