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Hello folks. I'm new to this part of the forum. I've spent the last 3 years on the soft plastic bait forum. I enjoy designing and pouring soft plastic baits. Building rods is something that I have been wanting to do for many years but kept getting talked out of it. I have watched YouTube videos by mud hole and it was very interesting to see it done. I've also looked online at their catalog and they have more stuff than I know what to do with...lol.. It looks time consuming but looks like its well worth the effort..

The question I'm posing is, is it worth the time and effort to get started in the building of rods and is there an average start up price? Im sure their is a lot of components and you can spend a fortune on it, but as far as just getting your feet wet, how is the best way to go without spending a lot of money?

Thanks for any help you can give me...George

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Nothing like fishing with a rod you built your self. It's really hard to beat "big box" prices so there has to be another reason for going to the trouble of building your own rod. You can buy all the fancy gadgets to turn the rod and apply the finish or you can learn to turn by hand and have very little in tools. A kit is a great way to start. It is hard to tell how a rod is going to feel before it is built. The blank won't feel anything like it does after you add all the hardware. Ceramic eyes really vary in price. I have had great success with the cheaper "hardloy" grade of eyes. Never had a problem with them. Musky Glenn

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Thank you Musky Glen for the advice. I have been looking at the kits that mud hole has and they seem to have a good verity of kits. I'm not a big fan of ceramic eyes, they have always caused me problems in the past and stay away from them when i can, really do like the aluminum alloy guides but will look into the hardloy eyes. Right now doing things by hand is the way i would have to go in which case i enjoy building things with my hands since i do that for a living. Was hoping to build rods on the side expanding with my lure business but need to get my feet wet in it and see how it goes.

Thanks again for your input... George

Edited by texacan84
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