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Do it molds has a great starter kit. In order to get a two colored bait (known as a laminate) you either have to hand pour one color into the mold and then inject your second or you'll need a blending block and two injectors. Word of advice, if you're interested because you think you'll save money making your own you couldn't be more wrong! However, if you want to make them for your own enjoyment and thrill of catching fish on something you made then I highly recommend starting. It's a lot of fun to just sit around your shop and make up colors you've never seen. Do it has just come out with its essential series of molds colorants and glitters which would definitely be something to look into.

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Yeah I would agree that if you think you will save money doing this you're wrong. Maybe years down the road and thats if you value your time at zero. Molds are expensive and you WILL screw up batches of plastic (not the right color ect.)

That said, it's a blast to do and there is something very gratifying about catching a fish on a bait you made.

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