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Solarez Uv Light

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I think my problem was either not letting the lure drip long enough, or it was too cold or colder than the recommended temp. Sure, it says it pours down to -20, but do you really think it pours good around that condition? im not saying my garage is that cold, but i think a heater really helped. :lol: . 


PS, my duck lure didnt really turn out, the feathers layed nicely on the back but got ruined on the head and it lost all detail, i striped it and am starting over.

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I apply the solarez inside my attached heated garage, but I have cured it outside in -22C temps, that's very cold. I don't like to put chemicals in my food nuker, so what I do sometimes to make it thinner is fill a bowl with boiling water and place the solarez container in it. It makes it really thin once it warms up and it stays thin for quite a while until the water starts to cool.

Duck feathers, probably will take time to master a good technique, go slow and make sure it completely cures before moving to the next layer.

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