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Injecting Plastic Help ?

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Question: I started to inject plastisol from bait Junkys into molds Im heating it in a microwave, I noticed that when I inject swimbaits the heads are hollow and not all the way filled with plastic does anyone know why this is happening ?

Im  also having issues where i heat the plastic and any aluminum or stirring spoon that is not preheated and comes in contact with the plastic seems to cure it right away/ Any tips on keeping plastic from cooling off quickly ?

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For the hollow heads and other voids in baits I'd watch a YouTube video by caney creek molds called air in my baits. Says more than I can type here. For holding heat, preheating the stirrer helps as you already found. Also placing the pyrex on a hotplate will hold heat while injecting but is usually only necessary if using a large amount of plastic or trying to repeatedly shoot one or two molds.

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Sounds like you need to top that mold off with hot plastic. See, as the plastic in the body of that swim bait cools, it contracts and draws plastic from the runner. If it runs out of plastic it will draw air. So as it draws, pour more plastic in the sprue. See if that helps.

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A little off topic but a good trick nonetheless, a good way to prevent scorching in your cup, especially if you're reheating a lot is to take a piece of cardboard and cut it to the size of the glass in your micro. Place that piece of cardboard on top of the glass and you're good to go. Not sure why but it gives you much more even heating of the plastic and really decreases your chances of scorching your plastic.

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