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Prevent Airbrush Tip Build-up While Spraying

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I found this tip by Ed Walicki on Fishcarver.com and thought it might be useful for those of you spraying acrylics to paint your lures.

"Since switching over from lacquer to water acrylics I noticed while spraying water acrylic paints through my airbrush I would experience a distorted spray pattern due to the build up of dried paint on the tip of the needle. Sometimes getting this dried paint off would be difficult and require disassembly. I found that by removing the needle and applying a good coat of automotive type paste wax and buffing it smooth from time to time would prevent dried paint from sticking. I would also do the same to the air cap that surrounded the needle at the tip of the airbrush. Once this was done I no longer had a problem with build up. Keep in mind this only works with water based acrylics, lacquer solvents will strip away the wax coating."


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