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How Can You Fix A Run In Epoxy Topcoat?

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Hi, I topcoated a few baits with Bob Smith 2 part epoxy recently. For some reason one of them got a little run in the middle of the bait.  How would you go about fixing that?  Do I sand it down and reapply topcoat?  Have any of you tried to fix a run before?

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If you sand the run down to smooth with the rest of the top coat, then rough up the bait with a scothbrite pad, and wipe it down with clean acetone or denatured alcohol, you can apply a thinned coat (with denature alcohol after you've completely mixed the two parts of the epoxy) of D2T over the entire bait again, and it will bond, and restore the clear appearance.

I say thinned because it will add less weight to the bait than a full on coat of epoxy.

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So how much DA are y'all adding when thinning your epoxy in a case like this? I've never applied a second coat of epoxy to a lure but I have a need occasionally to fix missed spots or boo boos and a thinner epoxy I think may be less noticeable. I typically add 6-8 drops of DA to a teaspoon of 2 part epoxy (D2T or BS 30 min).



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Hey David,


That amount of DA to a teaspoon of epoxy might be a bit much. It could also be partially responsible for the sagging you experienced since it was most likely to be pretty thin at the ratio you used. I use approximately 6 to 8 drops in a tablespoon of epoxy.


Depending on the temperature and humidity how long does it take the epoxy, at the ratio you use, to be dry enough that you can turn your lure turner off? If it takes longer than about 45 minutes to set up enough that you can turn your lure turner off without getting runs or sags then you might be adding too much DA to the mix. Another thing that might contribute to the epoxy sagging is the speed of your turner. Mine turns at 6 revolutions per minute. Not sure I would want to use anything that ran slower than that. Somewhere between about 6 to 10 rpm's works really well.


I mix my epoxy in those small, graduated plastic cups and let any leftover epoxy cure in them. That way you don't have to touch the bait and risk leaving fingerprints on it. Just feel of what's in the plastic cup to see how firm it is. Your local pharmacy should have them for sale and they are only a couple :twocents:  apiece. And you don't have to throw them away after just one use either. Just continue to mix more epoxy in them until they get so full of cured epoxy that they can no longer be used.


hope this helps,



Edited by RayburnGuy
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If you sand the run down to smooth with the rest of the top coat, then rough up the bait with a scothbrite pad, and wipe it down with clean acetone or denatured alcohol, you can apply a thinned coat (with denature alcohol after you've completely mixed the two parts of the epoxy) of D2T over the entire bait again, and it will bond, and restore the clear appearance.

I say thinned because it will add less weight to the bait than a full on coat of epoxy.

This works well...I've done it several times

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I've had to address that problem before because I haven't built a lure turned as of yet. Sand down the run flush but don't be over zealous with the sanding, believe me on that one. Rough up the rest of the finish and reapply the new coat of epoxy with a little DA to thin. Maybe if I have the time today, I'll make the turner. I have a rotisserie motor I found and some plywood, so I have no excuses. LOL.

Edited by bassguy
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