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I'm not sure if this has been brought up before but where do you guys get your bass and balsa wood and what sizes do you guys buy them in. I've been carving pine, but it's a little too hard for putting fine details in and the grain is pretty hard and makes for inconsistent carving.

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I ordered my basswood from http://www.dickblick.com/items/33302-8518/ .  This is the size I ordered last year.  I haven't had a problem with it.  I believe they also sell balsa wood.  Just go here http://www.dickblick.com/itemgroups-w/woodblocks/ if you want to browse around there selections. 

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I forget to mention that for your balsa baits I recommend to use propionate to seal the bait. Usually they make two batches of propionate a very thin so it willsoak in the balsa wood to give strength and a thicker solution, the first dipping you I let the bait soak for 3 hours after that I dip and take out, because the solution use acetone it evaporates very quickly. I make balsa muskie twitch baits and on the balsa bait I make a wire harness that I installing the belie of the bait and I use epoxy to secure the wire, that is how Crane Baits do their baits. If you go to tacklemaking.com they have all the instruction on the propionate and they have a link to e-bay where to purchase the plastic pellets, acetone you can get at Home Depot

Hopefully this helps



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I order mine from a few retailers online it just depends on the price. I get balsa in 3in*3in*12in... then I cut on a table saw into width i need. Many retailers will pick either dense or light for more $$$ if you request it. I usually order 6 or so pieces at a time and then weigh them. Really light pieces I use for making master blanks to mold... and the denser chunks i save for cranks.


If you want i can get the last place I ordered from but i just search on line and pick the best price.

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I source basswood local now but best bet is to order from respected carving places or have found some good dealers on ebay off and on.  You can get it at craft stores but they price it like it is gold.


Now the last stuff I got was free and should last for one or two cranks (the boy is standing on two of the pieces and two more the same size next to it).



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There are several places where you can get balsa or basswood online. Just do a search for "balsa suppliers" or "basswood suppliers". There are several different grades (weights per cubic foot) of balsa and just be forewarned that you will pay extra for specific grades since it has to be hand picked.



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Thanks! I've also been trying to track down that Azek decking but only a few Home Depots carry it and theyre not local. I figure balsa and basswood are my next best bets as far as ease of use.


You can ask your local Home Depot if they can order some for you.  Try their trim board, if you can get it.  There are other brands of PVC decking and trim board that will work, too, but I don't know their names.  Just don't use Trex...it sinks.

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