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4 Microwaves

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Just wanted to Let everyone new to the lure pouring and some who may want the info,I have a Soft Plastic Lure Biz and am doing a Large volume of orders daily,i see all the request for info on the pots and injection systems but just wanted anyone who wants to know that I have 4 microwave ovens and sometimes have them going all at once and I think I can outpour your  small pots and injection machines when it comes to different colors and floating and sinking plastic,maybe even one color,just want a lot of the newbies to know that mics are still a great way to heat plastic and you have the option to heat so many different colors in a short period of time,my store carries over 900 different color/flake combinations so  the pots and injection systems will slow you down,not knocking any of your machines,just wanted to share my info


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I am with you on this post. I have two microwaves and a griddle. A machine does not take the place for a good system. I do use presto pots but more time than not it is a microwave and griddle. Can change colors in ten minutes. Can heat a quart of plastic in 7minutes and thirty seconds. Two of them gets me twice as much. The rest is adding color and glitter. Nothing can beat a good system!!!

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I agree Frank,I just wish more people would come forward on this, and let the newbies know the mics are still king!!!So much is writin on the pots and injection systems and in my experience which is about 8 years doing this in a biz they don't even come close!!!

Can I ask which plastic do you use?

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After countless plastic samples and trial and error I have found that Lurecraft saltwater plastic or jig plastic as they call it is the best,I get maximum reheats from it without yellowing or burning,have not even had to use stabilizer,yes it hard packs but it takes 2 minutes to to stir it,not a half hour like some people post on here,it has all the good stuff in it and is not as expensive as some plastics,I heat ot hot and often


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I think that plastic is ok if you stir it half way through the heating process,remember the wattage of your mic has a lot to do with bubbles,I like the salt water as its stiffer and has all the additives full strength,but when I say stiffer its not hard like you would think,get a sample of it to try,I think you will be surpised

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I use the microwaves to heat my plastic and then use fry daddy to keep the plastic heated while I inject my molds. I also use the mic to remelt the sprue's to cut down on wast. I have also been doing this for about 9 years and using the microwave is the fastest way to heat plastic for use with a fry daddy, presto pot, or the lee pouring pot that I have found so far. Hope this helps.

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I agree and disagree. Been pouring since 1993 and was in business full time from 1996-2010 and to be honest, there is NO way I could have pumped out the 50,000- 70,000 baits per month with Pyrex....just not happening. For the weekend guy that wants to play with this awesome hobby, Pyrex is fine....minus the injury possibilities and inconsistencies.

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I agree and disagree. Been pouring since 1993 and was in business full time from 1996-2010 and to be honest, there is NO way I could have pumped out the 50,000- 70,000 baits per month with Pyrex....just not happening. For the weekend guy that wants to play with this awesome hobby, Pyrex is fine....minus the injury possibilities and inconsistencies.

So could you tell us your method? Not that I want to produce that many baits but something might be useful to me and others.

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Heat exchanger to preheat my plastic and modified Lee pots to pour out of. I am just not a fan of Pyrex....all it takes is one time to witness a plastic burn and it WILL make you think twice about using them. A very smart fella once stated on this forum "its not if...but when a Pyrex cup Will shatter."

Can you post a pic of the heat exchanger?

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I don't have any photos of my old system (only my new ones) I will however look at my Ebay account and see who I sold it to (I think it was Tod from Snoozers baits).....maybe he will send me some photos. I do know it was a 1750watt unit with 1/2NPT fittings and I ran it at 3PSI (required dedicated receptacle)

Open pour molds? I believe we are using injection molds. At least I am. And with a heat exchanger there is a limit to its output. This is the reason for different size heat exchangers. Reheating sprues is a challenge with a heat exchanger too.

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When I was in business I did all open pour....still have hundreds of molds leftover if ya want any ;) The heat exchanger had zero issues keeping up. Turn it on wait maybe 45 seconds, turn valve and I had a constant flow of ready to use plastic. I guess I just see too many people getting way to complacent with this hobby. Cant caution enough about the use of Pyrex, the use of non vented micro wave ovens and now more then ever I see and hear people using just any plain old silicone to pour hot plastic into....that is a very, very bad move.... I can just imaging the formaldehyde levels in your blood stream. Again I'm just not a fan of Pyrex! Witnessed a Pyrex failure many years ago at a buddies shop.....till you see a human wear 2 cups of 340 degree plastic you really have no idea of what your really playing with.

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When I was in business I did all open pour....still have hundreds of molds leftover if ya want any ;) The heat exchanger had zero issues keeping up. Turn it on wait maybe 45 seconds, turn valve and I had a constant flow of ready to use plastic. I guess I just see too many people getting way to complacent with this hobby. Cant caution enough about the use of Pyrex, the use of non vented micro wave ovens and now more then ever I see and hear people using just any plain old silicone to pour hot plastic into....that is a very, very bad move.... I can just imaging the formaldehyde levels in your blood stream. Again I'm just not a fan of Pyrex! Witnessed a Pyrex failure many years ago at a buddies shop.....till you see a human wear 2 cups of 340 degree plastic you really have no idea of what your really playing with.

If you are injecting the cup is not in your hand. I keep mine on a high sided griddle. If I spill or a pyrex breaks it is not in my hand. In fact the only time it is in my hand is when it comes out of the microwave and gets set on the griddle. I have had one break(not explode like some say) but it was my fault, I put it on a cold surface.

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Poured 100s of thousands of baits with my pyrex and never had one shatter,not one and I pour many and I repeat many different color and flake combinations every day as we have hundreds of color and flake combinations we sell,i don't thing you can do that with any speed with your set up and go price 4 microwaves,been doing this set up for years with no problems,love the cost and speed,like anything one must be carefull!!!

Edited by prochallenger
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OP....wasn't debating on how fast or how many baits I can make...and to be honest I can care less. I just saw you post a very rosy picture of micro waves and Pyrex and how it is all so superior to other methods....when in fact its not when it comes to Health and Safety. Can you make awesome baits with a micro and Pyrex? ABSOLUTELY!!! but as with everything in life there are pros and cons. You are not the only person on TU.....this is a open social learning site and there are hundreds of user from teenagers to well....old farts and at all different experience levels....many of which are lurkers. No reason to take any kind of offensive to someone mentioning the well know Safety issues with your preferred method of pouring...wasn't bashing your method....just mentioning the other side of the rosy path for some lesser experienced TU members.

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