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4 Microwaves

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  On 2/19/2015 at 2:49 PM, camrynekai said:

OP....wasn't debating on how fast or how many baits I can make...and to be honest I can care less. I just saw you post a very rosy picture of micro waves and Pyrex and how it is all so superior to other methods....when in fact its not when it comes to Health and Safety. Can you make awesome baits with a micro and Pyrex? ABSOLUTELY!!! but as with everything in life there are pros and cons. You are not the only person on TU.....this is a open social learning site and there are hundreds of user from teenagers to well....old farts and at all different experience levels....many of which are lurkers. No reason to take any kind of offensive to someone mentioning the well know Safety issues with your preferred method of pouring...wasn't bashing your method....just mentioning the other side of the rosy path for some lesser experienced TU members.

I never took any offense to your remarks,to each their own,Ive stated my facts as i experienced them so others Can have some info on another way instead of all the pricey systems out there,Like I said to each their own,I never tried to paint a pretty picture as you state,Thats your opinion,Love to hear other opinions,You can get burned by hot plastic with any pouring methods,truth is everyone needs to be cautious working around any hot plastic,im sure there is accidents with the bigger one or 2 color systems,Ive heard a few,when one does happen with the bigger pressure system I would think the damage to a person could be more severe,just the other side of the coin here

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Guys, when you heat your plastic in the microwave, are you at full power?  I'm having some yellowing and only using half power and short 1-2 minute heats until it's ready.  Using stabilizer also.  I think it may be yellowing after the first or second reheat in the microwave so I'm wondering if it's better to get it to temp the first time in the microwave then leave it on a hot plate until you've used it all??  If so, if it's on a hot plate, what temp are you setting it at and are you having to stir it all the time??

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  On 5/8/2015 at 5:55 PM, darkangel said:

Guys, when you heat your plastic in the microwave, are you at full power?  I'm having some yellowing and only using half power and short 1-2 minute heats until it's ready.  Using stabilizer also.  I think it may be yellowing after the first or second reheat in the microwave so I'm wondering if it's better to get it to temp the first time in the microwave then leave it on a hot plate until you've used it all??  If so, if it's on a hot plate, what temp are you setting it at and are you having to stir it all the time??

Watch Franks videos posted on YouTube. Great stuff.

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Since being burned by hot plastic is a subtopics here; my two cents. I was burned badly on my ankle because I had shorts and flip-flops on.

I now always wear heavy jeans, socks & boots, long sleeve shirt, Fire Hose Work apron and safety glasses. Gloves of course. The cause of an accident seems secondary to being exposed.

Edited by Painter1
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yea franks the man..lol   that's how I got started  I seen a few videos on you tube and bam...hook line and sinker...thanks frank...micros and pyrex is what I use ..but im just in it for me...something about catching a big bucket mouth in front of your buddys and they all want to know what your using...funny happens all the time..or when you catch a few big bass at the lake and people around see   that's a plus.. then you drop the custom bait on them..boy everybody wants to buy...

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