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Steve Brown

Twin Injector

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after you fill them both up, put on the blending block as fast as you can and then push plastic out so it doesn't clog. (before you put it into the mold)


are you using the cross bar to fill them at the same time or are you filling one at a time? if so you are probably getting clogged in the first one


also you could try replacing the o-rings to make them even.

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Ok more info please. Are you using two injectors that are together or separate? This way we know if they are being filled at the same time or separate. If they are the same time then one of the is not filling the same. Try this fill both of them then inject them into two cups and see if you are getting the same amount of plastic. If not it is a basic evening of pressure, thus the reason one color is in both sides. If you shoot long enough it will be two colors but still needs to be fixed.

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Thanks guys. I think I found my problem. One of the o-rings was a different size. I guess it was just an oversite at Bass Tackle. I found the correct o-ring size and tried it out using a cup of water and a cup of orange Gatorade. It worked like a champ. Going home tonight and give it the real test. Thanks for all input. You guys have sped up the learning curve for me bt 100 fold!!!!

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