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Dragon fly

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I think the most important thing is just getting the dragon fly in the right place on the 1st cast!

There isn't a whole to fishing them. When the bass see them sitting on top of the water, they usually don't last more then a couple of seconds. Have patients! If it starts to sink when it hits the water, just raise up on your rod tip till the bait breaks the surface. It should float a hook as big as 2/0 or 3/0. You can rub a little bit of fly float formula on the bottom of the wings and body to help it float.

If it sits for more then 10 seconds with no action, give a twitch or two. Try not to move it out of place too much. You just want it to wiggle in the water. Try fishing it real close to weedlines, tullies and visible wood cover. Those are all places dragon flys like to hang out. Hope that helps some.

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