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What Glue Do You Like For Weedguards

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Devcon 2 Ton Epoxy or Loctite super glue gel control, the gel control is important, regular super glue can, and often will, wick up the fibers. Not only will the weed guard have a weak bond but it will also develop a white residue along the entire length so rmembmer, super glue you need gel control or you can mix up some Devcon 2 Ton epoxy.

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Devcon 2 Ton Epoxy or Loctite super glue gel control, the gel control is important, regular super glue can, and often will, wick up the fibers. Not only will the weed guard have a weak bond but it will also develop a white residue along the entire length so rmembmer, super glue you need gel control or you can mix up some Devcon 2 Ton epoxy.

Yep, Loctite Super glue GEL.

Edited by Jeff Hahn
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If using Super Glue, turn a small fan directly on them after gluing the guards in.  I think it is the vapors that turns the guards white and having a fan on while drying keeps them from turning white.


This is correct, and I do that as well and it does work. :yay::yay::yay:

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The story is this couple of meth heads broke a beaker and decided to glue it with superglue and continue their craft. While heating that beaker the cyanide in in the glue turned to gas and killed one. The other had cyanide poisoning and was charged with manufacturing. True story.

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Cyanide in super glue? It is used in the manufacturing of super glue, but it is not present in liquid super glue or it's vapor. Super glue can be an irritant but is non toxic. Anyone with concerns about super glue, make a quick call to poison control and they can clear up your fears. It is very safe, believe it or not doctors use it to glue cuts in skin.

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Years ago, when it first came out, a friend who was a medic in Vietnam said they used it to hold ruptured organs together in their trauma treatments, because there was no way to do sutures.  I use it all the time to close cuts.  But I never use the accelerant to speed it up.  That will cause bad burns from the chemical reaction.  Been there, done that.

But the fumes are nasty, whatever they are.  They raise hell with my sinuses  I do my super gluing with a fan behind me, and the big door to my garage open, or outside completely, if possible.

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