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Hi Guys been a while...

Anyway, I'm making jerkbaits (5 inch) and I went out yesterday to try it, only brought one, big mistake!! I used the normal plastic for worms and it was too soft, the fish destroyed it after a few bass boated... I noticed on some name brand companys there using something else I think. There jerkbaits are more durable... Could it be the saltwater plastic?? I don't really want to star using plastic hardner...


I would aslo like to send some of my baits to u guys and see what u think of them, and try them out. I haven't ben able to get my website or pics up yet but I will soon... I'm trying to make an awsome jerkbait... ^ molds and designs later and I'm still not happy.. BUt the fish are hitting it!!

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I am usually happy catching a few fish on one bait, you may not have the plastic mixed well if they are too soft. You could concider using LC salt water plastic or I would reccomend using calhoun with hardener, if you would like to send me a few of you baits I will be more than happy to let you know what I think.


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More then 1 fish per bait is always good in my book! You may have seen the XXX plastic jerk baits. They definitely float, and you can catch tons of fish on 1 bait, but they also cause problems.

Because they are so bouyant, you have to add extra weight to get them down. They also make it hard to get a good hookset, because you have to run the hook all the way through the bait and you aren't really able to skin hook it.

As for what you are making, I think that either the LC 536 or Calhoun plastics would be just fine without any added softener.

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Thank you guys for your posts....

I'm happy witht the amount of fish I caught, just thought that maybe the plastic was too soft. I'm using Zeiners.. I'm not crazy about the xxx baits, I like my baits to sink a few inches.... And when I want them to come to the top I can do it using my rod ya know? Thats what i'm trying to make.. Man it's tuff too!! I went through six molds I didn't like and designs!! I'm getting closer though... Trying to make them a little more thicker but not enough to lose fish on... and not get a good hook set. My father tore up a bunch of huge pickerel on my bait that I thought was a srap idea.. That was cool!!

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I checked your lures a while ago, great website and name!!

That must feel great having a kid catch a 10 lb bass on your lures!!

I'm trying to make my own jerkbait, still working out the bugs!!!

But I might order some of your baits, are the jerkbaits you make a 2 piece mold or one piece?? And would you consider slling a mold?

I going to try durhams water putty, I'm tired of using plaster.... I know u been using it, it must be good. I can't seem to find it around here, lowes doesn't have it... I have to check home depot....

Thanks for the post. I'm hoping to post some pics of my lures soon!!!


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Don't give up on plaster a paris, I have had great luck with it I make a 7'' jerkbait out or it. The trick with PP is to glue doun the baits well and take the mold out in a few hours and fix and mistakes while the PP is still workable the let them dry for 3 days then coat them with fiberglass resin. Jerkbaits are the easiest to make as far as pouring and molds go I would suggest trying 1cup plastic + 1/3 cup salt for sinking jerbaits that have a nice little wiggle as they fall or just stright plastic for you average sluggo type fall.


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Weighted plastics are not the easiest to produce consistently. Salt settles and may not be evenly distributed throughout the plastic. If the % of salt-to-plastic is to high, you get a hard plastic with poor action; too little, and the fall rate is worse than Stik-Os.

Senko copies require the most precise salt % as well as softener. Calhoun's plastic gives you the best of both worlds - softness and resilience. It is tolerant of more salt than you can add to LC's plastic without adding softener. My next 5 gallons will come from Del.


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