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Corrosion Testing Wire For Jigs And Spinnerbaits

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Just in case this can help anyone, I tested a bunch of different wire for wrapping skirts. 

My highly unscientific testing consisted of cutting several pieces of wire and putting them into clean tackle trays. I labeled the compartments as to which wire they contained. Each wire sample got a fresh water and a salt water bath, in separate compartments. I made a batch of brine to use for the salt water to ensure that each sample saw the same strength solution. I added 100cc of water to each compartment. I let the wire soak for five days with the lid closed.


I won't go into detail about the wire that failed, except to say that there was a range of steel wire used. The galvanized wire did fairly well, but discolored in the salt water. The rest corroded to one extent or another. 


The wire that faired best, by far, was the 24 gauge jewelry wire labeled by "Bead Landing." It stayed bright as new in the salt water. I got the wire from Michael's craft store. Hope this is helpful. 




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When I wire tie spinnerbaits and jigs I use 26 gauge Darice Craft Designer permanent color-black copper wire, I get it order specially from my local craft store. I use to use the 24 and 26 gauge floral wire in red and green until one day I needed black so I asked the lady at the craft store if she could get me black wire. She pulled out the book and before she looked she asked me what I was using it for and I told her I was tying lure skirts with it. She told me she can get copper wire and I said that was fine and so when it came in it was a little more in price and a lot more when you look at how much you got for the price but I'm super happy with it, not only does it tie well but the color hasn't come off and no corroding so if you want to look at wire that is the stuff to get in my opinion.

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Any wire will work as long as it doesn't break and while high tensile strength wire won't break easily, but because of that it makes it that much easier to make it too tight that it cuts through the silicone and rubber. The flare is dictated not only by how tight the wire is but also by the ring size on the collar, if there is no ring or only a small ring, you can only get it to flare so much no matter how tight, you can achieve the same flare with copper wire as both wire types can only be so tight before it cuts through so strength isn't a big factor, at least for me it isn't.

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