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sweet beaver

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Think jig :P

I think (my opinion) they are most effective t-rigged. Rig it like you would rig a brush hog or a big 8" worm or a crawdad. You can carolina rig em too. They're great for flipping and pitching.

If you don't do much of that, try about a 4/0 EWG hook with 1/4 - 3/8 oz worm weight. If you're fishing thick stuff, peg the weight.

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thanks woodsac, going to try it friday will let you know how it comes out. I dont believe the fish in this part of the country have seen to many of them. I love to pitch & flip just so happens we had a couple inches of rain earlier tonight so the water ought to muddy up so the flippin bite should be on. The two colors I purchased were oxblood and watermelon are there any colors that seem to be better than others?

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I think you picked good colors. Those are 'universal' colors and will catch bass anywhere. 'Hematoma' and 'Sprayed Grass' seem to be pretty popular out here. But again, you can't go wrong with 'Oxblood', especially if you're fishing around crawdads.

Good luck, let us know how it goes.

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