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Well alright!!!!!

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This is cool! Nice site folks!!!!

My name is Lee. I am a shop teacher and a gunsmith. The nice part of those jobs is that I get the summers to fish NON-STOP!!!! (ya jealous?)

Any how, I have always admired custom made anything, thats why I make guns. The stuff YOU guys do, puts custom stuff in a price range anyone can afford. All my buddies are fiserman as well and I am getting tired of bying them cigars and booze for holidays. Hand made lures are the answer!( their wives thank me!)

Iknow for a fact that there is no greater rush than harvesting big game with a gun I built loaded with rounds that I made. I cant wait for the rush of an 8 lb largemouth on a lure from my custom shop!!!

I am looking forward to getting to know all of you and learn and , maybe teach some of you a trick or two that I have up my sleeve. I'm not to old to go back to school.

Like my dear ol' grandpa said,"knowledge shared is knowledge used".


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Hi Lee, welcome to TU. With shop skills and a gunsmithing background you should soon be turning out lures to fool the big ones. This forum has been a great help for me, the fellows are always willing to help work out any questions. The combined knowledge shared here has helped me develop some great lures, and technics that would have taken years of experimenting to learn on my own.

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