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Airbrush Paint Question

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I use Createx paints,  my question is does anyone spray auto air paints for their baits......I am looking for a wider variety of colors with a little mixing of paints as possible........I like createx paints but have not sprayed anything but their standard paints,  thanks for the insight

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I use a few Auto-Air colors.  They're not exactly like Createx but the ones I got can be shot right out of the bottle.  If you don't like mixing and thinning paint, suggest you check into taxidermy paints at taxidermy.net, a gateway site to various providers.  Taxidermy paint comes in both acrylic latex and lacquer formulations and is almost always thinned ready-to-shoot.  There is a wide selection of colors designed for painting fish, including flakes and pearls.  My favorite brand is Smith Wildlife Colors.

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I use both, createx airbrush(standard), and createx wicked. I emailed createx directly with similar questions, and here is what they advised. Keeping in mind I am painting on hard plastic baits.


Thank you for contacting Createx Colors. Please see the attached application guide for detailed instructions on product usage. Createx Airbrush Colors are intended for textiles and porous surfaces, they will have tact after drying if applied to hard surfaces. Createx Airbrush Colors will also require extended drying times, after which heat must be used to cure the paint as opposed to Wicked Colors and Auto Air Colors which cure through air drying. However, many artists creating fishing lures use and swear by the Createx Airbrush Colors. Createx Airbrush Colors, Wicked Colors, and Auto Air Colors are compatible for use on the same project in a layer format but you would not want to mix the colors in the wet form.

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