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Holoform Tape And Concrete Sealer

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Painted my lure up and put holo tape on it and it really looked trick, to me anyway. diped it in concrete sealer and it seemed to bubble the holo tape in some spots. Any one got any suggestions as to what I did wrong or why it did this. I don't paint much and it's my first time using the concrete sealer. Pretty bummed about it really.

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Could this problem be related to this thread. Is it the same concrete sealer, as the holo tape is probably plastic.



Not sure if it's related or not. This happened right after I diped it. before it was dry. Noticed it within a minute

Edited by Mason52
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The AC1315 concrete seal I use has a solvent that evaporates/flashes off quickly, but it will still cause bubbling and wrinkling sometimes.

You might try a barrier coat over your holo tape, like Createx gloss, to separate the tape's glue from the sealer long enough for the solvent to evaporate.

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