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Fish N Chips

Bts 6" Fat Stick Mold?

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How is this mold?  I looked at the 5" and 6", but think the 6" would work well, I am looking for the fatter profile for that dead fish wiggle as it drops, and I have seen tricks online to cut down the baits and re-inject to make it work for a range of sizes.  How does it compare in diameter to a senko and more importantly, how does it fish?  I found a few older mentions here on the 5" molds from BT/BTS, but was hoping for more opinions on the larger bait.  I know there is not much to a stick bait but am looking for something which would work well wacky rigged, weightless, texas, ect.


With this mold are you sticking with the standard recipe of 4 oz plastic and 2 tablespoons HD additive (or 1/2 salt/ 1/2 HD)?  Would the 3oz BT injector be enough to fill the side injection mold?  How do laminates come out?  I appreciate any reviews and on the water opinions.  The local shop has one of these used and the price is right, and BTS gets good reviews.  



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I went ahead and got the mold. It looks nice and 40 dollars was not too bad of a price. I tossed a 5.25 senko in the cavity and it is quite a bit larger. I have a bit of buyers remorse and hope it is not too big but time on the water will tell. I still want to get an additional 5.25" or 4" stick mold. I think I may spring for that Do It Essential Senko mold to try, it is a good price. Or maybe a Dels hand pour but I do like injection for laminates. I saw lurecraft has the essential molds now and I do want some glow powder...and color...and glitter, lol.

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I cast a few baits last night. I found my 3 oz injector is too small. With the four large cavities and the long runner I run out of plastic. It is close, but not quite enough. I left a bait in the bottom and the other 3 shoot fine. It makes a very nice bait with a great wobble in the water. It is a large bait though! I think it will have a place in my box, and I ordered a 5.25" Senko mold to fill my need for a smaller bait. It is not so much the length but the girth.

I may make a plug for the runner with some lead or a 5/8 dowel to shoot just two or three baits until I get around to buying a larger injector. My new batch of plastic should be here tomorrow with the HD additive. I used salt last night for the trial. The salt wanted to settle toward one side of the bait a bit, but with it being injected horizontal it is across the whole bait keeping the fall consistant. I look forward to seeing how the HD additive shoots and performs, although the salt seems fine.

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