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motor oil.... is this right?

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My understanding of motor oil color is that it comes in many shades, from greenish to dark brown. I would think most motor oil is brown (mine is going into my truck!) but it's up to individual interpretation.

There are some recipes for motor oil in the sticky at the top of this forum. I have a text file I put together of the recipes I've found on this site and the "other" site. Let me know if you're interested in it.

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That is definatley not motor oil. More of a "moutain dew" looks like you have your first color. You are just not adding enough coloring for one cup yuou will probaly need upto 10 drops to get a motor oil color and if you are adding salt even more because the salt eats up the color. You can get tons of different colors out of the same bottle by simpily adding different amounts of color, just try experimenting.

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I suggest you try these 2 different colors to see how different the motor oil can be, heat 1 cup plastic pour 1/2cup into another container. First cup 3-4 drops motor oil W/green+black flake hopefully you have some. Second cup 8-10 drops motor oil W/red+gold flake if you have it. Then pour them if it turns out right you should get a mossy color and a real motor oil color with very nice flake additions.

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Lure Craft's motor oil is NOT what it used to be, no matter how much they try to convince me that it is. The new version is a cool color, but it's not a true motor oil. It's more of a dark amber brown, and it's not very interchangeable. A true motor oil should look brown inside or under a light, and green in the sunlight or in cloudy weather.

I guess when I run out of the old motor oil, then it's time to try Woodsac's mixture. I got a pack of his stuff and his version is dead on. :)


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Ok...perhaps a silly question for Woodsac and Nova:

Thanks to each of you for posting your MO recipes...but each of you list "black" as an ingredient...but are you speaking of LC black which is transparent or MF black which is opaque (or does it matter??

Thanks again!

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I bought MF motor oil at the local fishing warehouse and it works great, 1 drop per oz and it is tight. LC's doesn't have the refractive quality of MF. I make a "used motor oil" color with a few drops of black in it that kills the fish here. Looks black unitl it hits the water, then it's green. I guess MF's "Changeable motor oil" name is true.

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