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need help on molds

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im new to pouring my own plastics but I was hooked as soon as I started anyway I was experminting with the plastic softner and didnt mix it well and it came out goey the problem is when i pulled it out of the mold part of the plastic stuck in and if tried everything i could think of to get it out but i cant seem to it tried to dig it out with a toothpick pour more plastic to pull it out but it just sticks any help will be appreciated

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What kind of molds are you using? If you're using RTV molds (the ones you buy from LC) then you can try putting a little bit of Simple Green in the cavity that has the plastic in it. Let it sit for a couple of minutes and wash it out with hot water and a soft toothbrush.

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A couple of things to try...

1: try coating the cavity with worm oil, use a light coat so it isn't slimy.

2: heat the mold at 350F for 10 minutes on a cookie sheet to release the oils in the mold. I had this problem with RTV molds from LC before, try a dab of worm oil first and if it doesn't work, heat it for 10 minutes max. Hope this helps.

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