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Happy Fathers Day!

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Im sure we have a lot of dads on here... How are we spending our day??... Grillin? Fishin? Chillin?

Im starting construction on my new work bench/work room!... My youngest boy is out of town on vacation with mommy... So im introducing my oldest to the sounds and smells of fresh cut lumber, the feel of power tools in his hands, and hopefully the satisfaction of a finished father/son project!!!

Happy fathers day!!!

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I got a Father's day email from my son, John, which was terrific. We both know that we need to communicate more, but I know how these things can develop into a chore and that is the last thing I want. He is a very busy lad with his job, sky diving and a new GF, so the occasional email is plenty for me. I keep a sneaky eye on him through FB too :)



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Thats great Dave!... I worry and wonder how it will be when my kids are grown n gone (the oldest is almost there)... The youngen wants to do everything daddy does, but the teenager has his own agenda... As a take a break to type this, all my cutting is almost done and he hasnt left the couch (oh well, i tried)

I just hope when they are grown, they talk with me more than i talk with my parents now!

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Some teenagers just need space. But, be careful, they are all different, to be assessed on an individual basis.


John is 27 and has always been my best friend more than a son. He helped me a lot when times were bad, even though it is supposed to be the other way around. Hopefully he never needs help, but I am here BIG time if he does.


My other son is 30 and we haven't spoken in nine years and that will never change. He certainly has no desire to change it and neither do I. His Mom is pretty upset by it all, but after the way he treated her during his terrible teens, I guess Moms are more forgiving.



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You know youve done a good job when the kids start returning favors!... Ive done what i can when i can to help my mom out, and vice versa

Mine are 9 and 17... The oldest has always been the calm mild mannered type, he has taken to music which is definitely a trait from his moms side of the family.. And has amazed me with his rapid progression! I can no longer tell if he is listening to recorded music or playing his guitar in his room!... He carries himself as an adult already and will have no problem adapting to the grown up world!

The youngest... Well... Hes more like me when i was younger!... I make sure he knows wrong from right, but the fire in his belly tells him he is always right.. He is verry smart for his age, yet insists on learning things the hard way!... I should probably start setting aside money for bail

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