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Devcon Customer Service = Awesome

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I had to contact Devcon about some 2-Ton epoxy I purchased, the resin side is like a gelatinous consistency and when I mix it and apply it my lures sometimes end up tacky and require another coat. Well I get a technical representative from ITW, the parent company and the person was Mr. Steve Leslie, he said it sounds as if it was exposed to high heat somewhere and that it will work but the consistency is throwing off the mix ratio and that would explain why adding another coat will make it cure. By the way, if you get a tacky coat with Devcon, the correct thing to do is apply another coat with the correct mix ratio. Well I have it figured out for the most part but anyway, Mr. Leslie tells me they will send me a sample tube to replace my bad one and I told him to feel free to send it but it isn't necessary as the place I purchased it is at fault and it is still usable. Well what stops outside my house yesterday evening? A brown truck with a package for me, it contained not 1 but 2 of the 25ML syringes, talk about great service, I not only got an explanation of the problem but also why it didn't set up, how to fix it and additional product to make up for the bad tubes, you can ask for anymore than that. If Mr. Leslie happens to read this, which I highly doubt, thank you sir, and to the rest of the guys here, that should tell you how good the stuff is when the company that makes it stands behind it, I'm glad we have Devcon 2 ton epoxy for our use, it makes my jigs than much better.

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