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Almost Forgot Why I Do This

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As some of you know, i recently built a new work shop and aquired a new test tank.. Since then ive spent ALOT of time using and enjoying each...

Well i got off work early today and headed straight back to the shop, when suddenly it dawned on me that there use to be something else i did when i got home early

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I took it Bob... Still dives, but p o ps much better on a full cast like you said..... But no takers today

Also threw the "dragon-ski" a few times... No interest shown

This lake is only good because its close to home... Ive fished it for 4 years and only caught maybe a couple dozen bass (one 4 pounder), half a dozen tiny crappie, and a few 5-8 lb cats....... Yet i like this spot, guess its the challenge!?

Still waiting for the word to go pick up my NEW BOAT... Then maybe i can find some better water

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Sometimes I get rusty/forget how to use certain baits that aren't something I've made, because I'm always itching to get out and test my lures. I was having a terrible time this year at the beginning of the season trying to catch anything over 1lb. I don't have a test tank (just a bathtub), so a lot of my testing is done on my own personal fishing time.

So I don't forget to fish...more like forget HOW to fish anything that's not my own. :P

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Thats how i was last year... I caught fish on every lure i made, but i didnt make that many lures!

The test tank is great for quick tuning.. Shop/tank shop/tank... efficient!..... But as a figured out at the lake, theres only so much i can learn from the test tank..... The rest has to be tested in a real world scenario!

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Ben - The way Indonesian bathrooms work is quite different to western bathrooms. Although in my new abode I have a western toilet, the normal is the hole in the ground type.

The room is designed to be wet, with water splashed around, and to this end, there is a large water container next to the toilet. In my house, this holds about ten gallons and about 2' square, perfect for a float test.


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Truth be told I've used the porcelain many times usually to test buoyancy of a worm on a shaky head or fall rate of a wacky.  At one point I was mixing food color in it, it was perfect because you knew exactly how much water was in it, once done flush and you could start again...worked good until the bowl started to stain...heard about that.  The best though was when I used it while it had cleaner in it ( I was in a hurry ), discovered the most beautiful shade of green and went straight to the shop to duplicate it. 

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