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Quick! Umpqua!

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I have a friend that works for this place (Umpqua feather merchants)... He/she gets an incredible employee discount!(not the "5 finger" kind, i am paying)... But he/she won't be working there much longer

He/she said to "load up"

I plan on making mainly crappie jigs... Maybe some dressed trebbles for inline spinners... And perhaps an unspecified use for an unspecified future hard bait (i know that last part doesnt help, but if you know me then you know how i am)

Ive searched here before, I know the basic stuff ill need (maribou, chenille, ect..)

But if you were me, what else would you need??

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I was in a hurry and gave a list to the person... But still havnt heard back

Actually went to Cabelas today and picked up a few things.. Got me a cheap vice too.. It sucks, but its better than using the big bench vice

My first project will be attempting dressed trebles..... My first 2 trys look like something ate a hook and then died on my bench

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  On 8/1/2015 at 11:12 PM, JRammit said:

My first project will be attempting dressed trebles..... My first 2 trys look like something ate a hook and then died on my bench


Too funny. :lol:


I've only tied a few jigs and even fewer feathered trebles, but for me the trebles were harder to tie than the bucktails. My hands are really big and trying to hold the feathers in place was a beast. Not to mention the thread trying to pull them off center when they were finally in place. No doubt I could have used a pair of tweezers or something to hold the feathers and will have to try that on the next ones.


Best advice I can give is just keep trying different things until you find something that works.



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Ben... I didnt see this on any of the videos i watched... But i found the easiest way for me is to lay the bucktail over the hook eye, wrap the center of the hook shank loosely, and slowly pull the bucktail away from the eye while tightening the wraps

I havnt tried using feathers yet... Baby steps!

Edited by JRammit
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