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Bubbles in second part of two part plaster mold

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What am I doing wrong?? I am trying to make a two part mold out of plaster. I pour some plaster and insert my worms and let it set up for about an hour. I then rub that part with vaseline and pour some more plaster on top of the first mold. I am getting bubbles on the second part. I have tried to mix in more water and tried it with less water with the same result. I am bumping the wet plaster after I pour it to make the bubble come to the top (and they are). The only thing I can think of is that I need to give the first part more time to cure. How long are you guys waiting before you pour your second part of the mold? I want to just go to Durham's water putty instead of plaster but, I can not find any at Home Depot or Lowe's.

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IN my Home Depot the water putty is back behind the carpet section. There are some small isles. The durhams was 1 or 2 isles to the left of where the Marine Spar Varnishes are.

Hope this helps. I have not had problems with bubbles in the water putty.

Mr B

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IN my Home Depot the water putty is back behind the carpet section. There are some small isles. The durhams was 1 or 2 isles to the left of where the Marine Spar Varnishes are.

Hope this helps. I have not had problems with bubbles in the water putty.

Mr B

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are you getting bubbles showing up on the lure cavity itself ? Some baits like zipper type worms trap air like crazy resulting in bubbles in the cavity.

What I like to do when pouring in the second half of the mold is to take a small paint brush and paint a light coating of plaster on the exposed worm halve. This will keep bubbles from sticking to the bait being molded by whisking them off the bait surface. Once you have the bait covered with a thin coat of plaster you simply pour the rest into the mold and this should solve the bubble problem . You can still tap the wet plaster to get trapped bubbles to the top . Home Depot definately carries the Durhams water putty so ask someone in the store . Its much easier to work with than plaster.......good luck -Jigmeister

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I will try the brush on method with the remaining plaster I have left since I am trying to mold a "ribbed" stick bait. I gave up and ordered a two part mold today. I just called my local Home Depot and they said that they have the 1lb and the 4lb bags in the paint department so I will look again tonight. Funny thing is I asked a "sales Clerk" to do a search on their computer and they could not find it. However, when I contacted the corporate office here in Atlanta they had no problems finding it. Looks like someone didn't really search when they said they did, huh? Well wish me luck.

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