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Best Way To Clean Out The Eye Of The Hook For Bucktails

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What is the best way to clean out the eye of the hook for bucktails? I have alot of hair in thier. I thought about lighters but that would burn the hair & the wrap. My scissors is relly small but not small enough. Thanks for teaching me this wonderful hobby, and for putting up with all these questions.

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Not sure I understand what your question is. Are you trying to clean hair out of the eye of the hook? If so a blast of air will do it or just brush it off with a small paint brush.


If your trying to clean epoxy, or some other type of adhesive, out of the eye wait until it dries and run a small drill but through the eye of the hook. The blade on an Exacto blade will also work.



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Yes it is.


Oh OK. I get it now. So what your having trouble with is the uneven ends sticking out from under the wraps. I'm a complete newbie when it comes to tying, but have dealt with this problem in two different ways so far. The first thing I tried was taking a sharp knife and "rocking" it over the exposed threads. This works, but you run the danger of cutting the thread (especially if your eyesight isn't what it used to be) and loosening the entire wrap unless you wait until after you've sealed the thread with whatever your choice of glue, epoxy or sealer is. The second way I tried that worked was to loosely wrap the hair, feathers, etc. with 3 or 4 wraps and then use my thumbnail to push the protruding culprits back even with the rest of the material.



good luck,



Not sure if this is the way the "pro's" do it, but so far it has worked for me.

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The one I had was a little two piece tube that was closed on one end. You cut your hair and stuff it into the tube. Bang it on the table a couple times and remove the top half of the tube exposing the hair. You take the hair out and the ends are perfectly straight, Then when you tie there are no long hairs to mess with.

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I don't use any hair stacker. After I get the amount of hair on the jig, try to spread it around even and wrap it enough so it stays where I want it. Start your wraps at the eye end, and make several wraps to the hook side. I get a box of straight razors at the store and use to trim the edge in question. Don't get stingey with the blades, when they get dull, get another one out. If powder coated/baked right, damage to the jig should not happen, and even if it would, I push the wrapped hair towards the cut area anyway seeing that it is firmly wrapped, but not tight wrapped yet. If you would go crossed eyed and cut the thread, don't panic, that is why you started at the eye and worked you way to the hook end. Just cut the threads you damaged with the blade and continue on wrapping thread until covered. I use magnifying glasses I get at the dollar store, my eyes are bad lol.


It really is easier than I explained,  wish I could do the video thing, but I am a guy that isn't into the high tech stuff, and still uses a "dumb" phone lol.

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