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ANISE! I have used in my plastics for 18 years and it has been a solid producer compared to other scents I have experimented with on the same baits and same colors. If I was to choose another scent it would be coffee as it has produced good results too but not as much as Anise.

I add anise to my hot plastic while pouring. I use about a 1/4 teaspoon per 12 ounces of plastic.

As far as vegetable oil is concerned it not only makes the plastics hard but will also will shrink the bait size about 20% over time.

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O wow, well im glad I didn't use vegatble oil and ruin a bunch of my baits, thanks for yalls help. I Did order some Anise and coffee scent from LC. Ive always liked using coffee scent over the years, Ive never used anise but ive read a lot of good things about it. I cant wait to get my shipment in. I guess I don't care for the craw scents and shad scent because it stinks so bad I cant stand to get that on my hands while fishing.

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Garlic and Anise are the popular stand-by's for bass anglers. Crawfish is also popular. What has been catching on the past few years is coffee.

We move quite a bit of coffee/shad and Java n garlic now.  Garlic and Anise together make: Toad Magnet!  This is an incredible scent and both anglers and the bass seem to like it. Whatever gives you added confidence!  There is no question that scents are beneficial and increase hook-ups. Masking the unpleasant smell of plastisol is the key. Giving your baits a more natural taste will give you added time to set the hook and reduce drops. 

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Was just wonderin if any body ever bought some scents from a trappers store like crayfish , fish, shrimp ... etc, and tried them? They   all smell strong and most are oil based scents. Most are all natural also.

so.... I guess nobody has ever tried any type of trappers oil,shrimp,,creyfish  etc.  ?????

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so.... I guess nobody has ever tried any type of trappers oil,shrimp,,creyfish etc. ?????

dont know if its the same thing, but i once tried fish oil.. cut open the gelcap pills... made the bag so sticky i couldn't open it... had to cut the baits out.. after a couple weeks those baits turned rock hard..... now i just buy scented oil from bogs

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