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Help, Safty On Keeping Plastisol Heated

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I was helping a friend today. He had is presto pot filled with peanut oil cooked to 350, then he puts his beaker of plastisol in the middle of the pot to keep the plastisol from setting up while he is dipping his tubes. My question is how safe is putting a pyrex beaker in this pot of hot oil?  I don't know how much heat a pyrex beaker can take but just seemed on safe to me. Is there a better way for him to do this with out getting himself hurt or someone else?


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I don't see having peanut oil and plastisol in close proximity as a problem, as the oil boiling point temperature is much higher than the working temperatures of the plastic.

The problem that I see, is lowering the Pyrex at room temperature into hot oil. The thermal expansion and any faults in the Pyrex could cause a break.

The Pyrex of plastisol should be heated to working temperature in a microwave first, to minimize the temperature difference.

This is not based on experience, but engineering sense.


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