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mark poulson

Swim Bait Tail Enlarger

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I just posted four photos in the hard baits gallery, out of habit.  Doh!!!

Here's what they show:


I didn't like how some swimbaits I had poured swam.  Specifically, next to a Keitech swimbait they just seemed lazy.  So I decided to make a tail flap extender.  I drilled some shallow holes (3/32" at the thinnest point) with a 7/8" paddle bit in a piece of PVC decking.  I chose the bit with the extended tips, thinking that would put a lip on the flaps.

I filled the center hole with bondo, sanded it smooth+-, hardened it with crazy glue, and then coated it with AC1315.  After blowing out the excess sealer with an air hose, and letting it dry for an hour in the sun, I sprayed the mold with PAM.

I heated up some chartreuse plastic, pinched down my NorPro silicone cup to make a small spout, and poured them.  

After the plastic cooled, I picked them out, blotted the PAM off with a paper towel, and glued the too small tails of my swimbaits to the discs, with brush-on crazy glue, with the raised edge facing forward to catch the water.

They seem well bonded.  I'm taking them out for a swim tomorrow.

Fingers crossed

Edited by mark poulson
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Simple and clever... I like it!

If the krazy glue isnt up to the task, might try the bond coat from spike-it... I got some a while back.. It held great, but dry time was too long for my application

Question though... Your concrete sealer... Have you ever tried using it to seal your plaster molds in place of epoxy??

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Progress report.  

The enlargers definitely improved the tail action of the swimbaits I tested.  

The super glue didn't hold as well as I had hoped.  I ordered some more Mend It soft bait glue from TW, to see if I get a softer bond.  The superglue made the paddle tail too rigid.

I thought about holding the swimbait in place on the freshly poured enlarger, so they melt into each other.  But that would be very time consuming, basically making it a one at a time pour, which doesn't seem practical to me.

Fingers crossed I get the Mend It to work.

If it doesn't work, I'll check out the Spike-It product next.

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