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Just wondering how long the little tabletop micros are lasting for other tackle crafters. I replaced one 1 1/2 years ago. Now my replacement just went. So now I'm on my third in 1 1/2 years. First was a Wally World cheapy, can't remember the manufacturer. Second was a GE. Now I have a frigidaire. We'll see. What's been others experience?

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Actually 18 months is pretty good in my experience. Microwaves over here have not lasted much more than 6 months.

What really kills the microwave, is leaving it running empty, it literally cooks itself.

When I got married first time, we bought a microwave, it was actually digital, even in those early days. Wife retired the micro after 30 years of service, not because it was broke, but she was sick of the sight of it.

Modern microwaves are designed to break, just like the indestructible CD's, that now are more sensitive than the vinyl discs that they replaced.


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Thanks for the replies, fellows. It seems the service life on these are all over the place. I did buy a service plan for ten bucks and this last one was free. I do not cook a lot of plastic because I just produce for myself, son, and give some baits away to a few close friends. I'm lucky if I shoot five gallons of plastic a year. Hopefully I've just had some bad luck, because my failures sure haven't been from overuse of the microwaves.

It has me wondering though if the amount of heat produced by the hot plastic has anything to do with these failures.

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Fishon-son - noted my friend. The plastic that I currently use is edible, made from agar agar powder, a bit like jello. It is a bit stiffer than plastisol, but still good for prototyping.

One day I will be importing a tub of real plastic and then I will get a new, more powerful MW for the shop, this 800 watt is not cutting it with speed.


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